University of Akron Press to Publish Malak, a Poetry Collection by Jenny Sadre-Orafai


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The University of Akron Press is thrilled to share that it will bring the poetry collection Malak by Jenny Sadre-Orafai back into print with a new edition in fall 2024. Malak was originally published by Platypus Press in 2017.

After learning about the death of her Iranian grandmother who read fortunes, the speaker in Malak learns what gifts she may have inherited and what she could pass down. The poems are a remembrance of language and loss and of power and magic. Teeming with foxes and birds, the collection translates what’s seen and unseen and what can be heard in the silences.

Jenny Sadre-Orafai is the author of Dear Outsiders, a University of Akron Press Akron Poetry Prize editor’s choice selection, as well as Paper Cotton Leather. She is also the co-author of Books of Levitations. Her poetry has appeared in Puerto del Sol, Cream City Review, Ninth Letter, The Cortland Review, and others. Her prose has appeared in The Rumpus, Fourteen Hills, The Los Angeles Review, and others. She co-founded and co-edits Josephine Quarterly and teaches creative writing at Kennesaw State University.